All Things Must Shine
Felted Lambswool and Cotton knitted coat by me, Head piece by STONED BOUTIQUE
Tuesday, 26 April 2011
Lets Get Minted!!!
Blast from the shiny past!
This is a photoshoot from when I was in my second year. The project was to create a mini collection while people went off to do work experience. After having a portfolio talk with my tutors I learned that I was forcing a style of design, work and thinking. I was trying to conform to a desgin style which actually doesnt exsit. I was encouraged to be myself and bring in my passion for dance.
This lead me on to first create a collection of fabrics. I was trying to design garments and my fabrics which I found really difficult beciuse I was having to much fun designing my knit samples. So once I desgined my fabrics i started to come up with some garment ideas. I wanted to show off my knit to the max which is where i came up with my final garment. Due to how long it took to make i only had to make one.
The coat was made of lambs wool and cotton which was felt to create the gathered texture while th leotard had my own print on. Once I had finished i could see that the next stage was to bring more of a structure to my garment to make it more relevant and interesting. Which in turn lead to my final year collection. My next collection will be another step forward from this very first garment, I always want to grow and learn new things about myself.
Looking forward to the next collection even more now.
Hope you have enjoyed reminiscing with me.
Felted lambswool and cotton coat.
Printed Lycra with swarovski embeishment.
Headpiece made by STONED BOUTIQUE kindly borrowed from Siana White
Roxy Sollars - Model
Friday, 22 April 2011
Stage 2 - Print
Sunday, 3 April 2011
Katy Perry - E.T
Saturday, 2 April 2011
Stage 1 - Change
Friday, 14 January 2011
"when something changes or when you change it, it becomes different"
Life is full of change, be it changes we have decided to make, other peoples changes, insignificant changes or life changing changes. Change happen consciously and unconsciously but one thing is for sure nothing ever stays the same, with every movement, every second, every breath things change.
This evening I decided to take the Mountstevens dog Pip for a walk. The breeze was crisp and the sky was the deepest navy blue almost jet black but tinted with the orange lights from England and the crystal shine from the moon. As I walked the same country track it hit me, i have walked this path so many times but each time it has changed. It may be the same place but every time I've walked it it has never been the same path. This walk was a pigs dream, lots of puddles and mud which squelched with every step. Even when pip walked through the mud, it gave a tiny squeak. The darkness changed how long the walk felt, the wind changed the sound of the walk and the quiet made it seem i was a million miles away.
As i walked on, the clouds raced across the sky as if a steam train was speeding along the horizon. I stopped and took in each cloud and each star. I thought to myself i will never see these clouds again, this exact same sky, the same cold wind and squelching mud.
It put into perspective the importance of now.
The importance of happiness.
The importance of living.
We can never take back what we have done, be it a look, a breath, a walk, an argument. Everything thing we do is already done. Each thing so different and individual due to the situation the state of being is. Every moment changes and is different.
This has really made me think.
I have been thinking about my life and what i want to do.
I have learned that my life changes, be it for the good or the bad but it will change. From big things as jobs right down to each breath i take everything changes and i have to accept it and take each moment as it comes.
This has given me the motivation and inspiration to start my new collection.
It want my collection to be about change. How i have changed as a person, how i can change my ideas into something new. I want my work to have the detail and essence of change.
My main inspiration will be what i saw and felt this evening.
The changing clouds. The delicate change of the moon light due to the clouds. The muted tones against blasts of orange and white. The subtle shine of the rain soaked muddy track
The Video which i have uploaded is the only one which came out with something on it. To dark for me to show you what i saw but this gives a feeling of the evening and what im trying to say.
I filmed the reflection of the moon in a puddle and this is what happened. I changed how the moon looked. Each change was different and even through the wind blow in the same direction the ripples never created the same effect.
I will be trying to take or make images of the night sky.
Thank you for reading and let the new collection begin.
Forever changing forever growing.
Saturday, 23 October 2010
New Kid On The Block!!!!

This is the AMAZING Willow Smith